Call in Advance for Pick-up
- 1st 1/3 mile
- $ 2.00
- Each additional 1/3 mile
- $ 0.60
- Each additional passenger
- $ 1.00
- Each additional bag
- $ 0.50
- Each foot locker
- $ 1.00
- Each large trunk
- $ 2.00
- Each grocery bag
- $ 0.25
- Airport pull out
- $ 1.00
- Per minute waiting time
- $ 0.30
Book a taxi: (706) 685-1000 | (706) 685-8888
Designated Driver Program
If your designated driver program fails while downtown, pay for your ride home
and then get a
ride back to your car the next morning.
- Checks Welcome with Fingerprints
- Large Bills Okay
- If You Throw Up in This Cab It Will Cost $100
- Need a Car? Ask Driver About Specials on New/Used
- Charters Available